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Monday 28 February 2011


An Action Congress Of Nigeria (ACN)aspirant and former deputy governor of Ogun State Alhaji Adegbenga Kaka, has describe the recently composed care-taker committees innagurated by the Ogun state government as `illegal`Speaking with jurnalist in an interview Kaka said the action is a total breach of the law and its a culpable affront on the countries legal system.
Obviously piqued by such a development, he said `OGD` and his group of nine assembly disciples have proved again that he is the country and that he is the only sole administrator in the country and that there is no government in Ogun state.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Chromosome basics of Down syndrome

                                            By TIMOTHY ADETUNBI
Down syndrome (also called Trisomy 21) is a genetic disorder that occurs in approximately 1 of 800 live births. It is the leading cause of cognitive impairment. Down syndrome is associated with mild to moderate learning disabilities, developmental delays, characteristic facial features, and low muscle tone in early infancy. Many individuals with Down syndrome also have heart defects, leukemia, early-onset Alzheimer's disease, gastro-intestinal problems, and other health issues. The symptoms of Down syndrome range from mild to severe.
Source Magazine  gathered from Dr John Davies said the although the genetic cause of Down syndrome is known, there is currently no cure and due to advances in technology, scientists are slowly beginning to understand which genes when present in three copies are responsible for which Down syndrome characteristics, but it will take many years to fully grasp the complex interplay between the different genes.He added that much research dated is focused on understanding the causes of impaired cognition in Down syndrome and on finding potential therapies that might improve learning. Most of these studies are carried out using animal models of Down syndrome, but some human clinical trials involving potential therapies are also being conducted.
Mrs Eliberth  Oliha and Mrs Patient John both travelled to Indian through the support of Lagos State, Governor and Down Syndrome Foundation, at Surelere .This women  said  they went corrective surgery   that was done Babies Daniel  Oliha and Baby Omotade Trust John  for heart defects. They  told our reporter that the Doctors told them to do  Regular health checkups should be scheduled to screen for other conditions such as visual impairments and other medical conditions.
Mrs Oliha said her  son is going to be seven months old, came on 9th of January.2010 while Mrs John added that her  son Omotade Trust John is one year   and 13 days old .They said before the surgery it was not easy thing to take care of their babies, but after the surgery because most things he could not do before, he finds it easy, like eating very well, playing.
Down syndrome Foundation is where they stimulate, encourage, and educate children with Down syndrome from infancy. Programs for young children with special needs are offered in many communities. Early intervention programs, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy can be very helpful with this organization.


Monday, 7 February, 2011 12:38
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BY adetunbi olufemi nd 3 pt/nmc/08/2140
Folake, 16, (not real name) had no premonition of the humiliation awaiting her and her mother who had offered to stay with her pending the arrival of her mother-in-law. Her husband, just past 40, had shortly after she was delivered of a baby girl, informed her that he would have to travel to bring his mother to assist her (Folake) by putting her through some motherhood lessons. But having drained his purse to settle the hospital bill, he needed to run around to gather some  money for the trip and for the naming ceremony, which was just  six days away.
On his return from where he claimed to have gone to look for help, he reportedly told Folake and her mother that none of those he approached, was ready to assist him financially. The only person, who according to him, was willing to lend him some  money demanded that he used his electronic gadgets as collateral. This he claimed, he obliged.
Very early the next day, the supposed lender came with two young boys and took away his 14 inch television, DVD player and radio set as collateral for the money.  No sooner had they left, than Folake’s husband began to prepare for his journey. He was said to have dropped the  sum of N2,000 before leaving for the journey and promised to return  the following day.
At about 4.00 pm, following her mother's advice, Folake put a call through to her husband to know if he would be returning the same day but failed to get him, because his phone had been switched off. She tried severally afterwards but did not get any response. She thereafter concluded with her mother that he might not return until the following day.
Again, she tried his line severally the following day without success. Anxiety and apprehension began to set in when her husband failed to show up and his phone remained switched off each  time it was called. The second night must have been a very long and traumatic one for both Folake and her mother. By the morning of the third day, which was barely four days to the naming ceremony of their child, it began to dawn on both mother and daughter that the man who was forced to accept responsibility for her  (Folake’s) pregnancy has finally absconded.
The problem began when Folake’s mother noticed that her daughter was pregnant. On enquiry, Folake who initially denied being pregnant, confessed after the pressure became unbearable. However, the man who Folake claimed was responsible  for the pregnancy refused to claim responsibility.  After weeks of denial, the case was reported to the leader of Odua People’s Congress (OPC) in the area. The OPC leader was said to have invited the man and subjected him to interrogation. But  insisted that he was not responsible for the pregnancy.
In a bid to unravel the truth of the matter, the OPC leader interviewed the man’s landlord who confirmed that he had warned his tenant about Folake, who according to him, was too young, but his tenant refused to heed his warnings.
With this revelation, it was concluded that he was actually responsible for the pregnancy and as such, was compelled to take responsibility, on condition that effort would still be made to determine the true paternity of the then unborn baby.
The man who ostensibly had another game plan, reportedly requested that Folake should remain with her parents until she put to bed but promised to take care of every expenses they incurred. This may have led Folake’s parents to believe him, until he disappeared few days to the naming ceremony.
The long wait for the return of the run-away father continued days after the naming ceremony. However, when it was obvious that he was not likely to return, Folake and her mother decided to leave his virtually empty one-room apartment.