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Monday 17 June 2024

First of its kind as far as this our Seraph is concerned, even apart from coming together, joining it along with the burial of the late Baba-aladura. All previous Baba-aladura that were installed during Horeb have never coincided with any other ordination.

  The ICOP bulletin and vision recording take on CSP on current issues and score card of CSMC WW on council of prophet and prophetess, Special Apostle prophet Joel Adeniran, 
 Q, HOREB 2024, witnessed different occasions that has never happened in the history of CSMC  worldwide, like the burial of Baba-aladura installing of another eminence, Installing you as CSP and ordination of fresh prophets and prophetess. Sir, How did it happen? or is it coincidence? 
ANS, Well when we are talking about history, even the history we are reading today, history is always made,  either by circumstances,  either by accidents,  either by one way or the other. But summarily, I would say it is God ordained history.  If God has not ordained or permitted these things, it wont even happen, although incidentally like we said,  the burial of our late spiritual father was scheduled closely to Horeb  and not accidentally but having known that this our church is globally.  We have members in Nigeria, in the UK,  in the USA, in Canada, and all over the world and everybody knows that during the HOREB period, Most of our members used to travel down  for Horeb accessions and this is what the BOT-(Board of Trustees) considered to make the journey just a one trip journey, so they just have  the burial alongside with horeb ascension program just to make it convenient  for people coming from far and near. So that is one of the reasons why it happened very close to Horeb. That is why I said history is made even by one thing or the other either  by circumstances or by anything but this one is not accidental. It's a circumstantial arrangement.   followed by the installation and ordination of the new Baba-aladura.  You know, you can't appoint a new Baba-aladura and you can't swear in a new Baba-aladura unless the remains of the former Baba-aladura is laid to rest.  So the Baba-aladura was laid to rest on 27th of april 2024 and thereafter, the emergency conference was done on 29th of april in order to ratify the appointment of the new Baba-aladura, having ratified the appointment nothing stopped baba from being installed and ordained and  also to make the program a unique, time constraint  and to reduce the stress of people that will be coming, so the arrangement was a very unique one.  It was even the first of its kind as far as this our Seraph is concerned, even apart from coming together, joining it along with the burial of the late Baba-aladura. All previous Baba-aladura that were installed during Horeb have never coincided with any other ordination. Let us just say that's the way God  wants it to be done this year. We can also call it a four in one program. The burial of baba-aladura that came up although that one is pre-horeb but the three in one program that came up during the horeb is the installation of the new baba-aladura so which made the installation to happen on wednesday, 1st of may 2024 when Baba Emmanuel Abiodun Algbo was installed and subsequently,  followed by the installation of the the 4th Conference Supervising Prophet that was installed  and ordained too on Friday, 3rd day of May 2024.  And thereafter, the same day over 1,500  prophets and prophetess were  ordained on that same day. So it's a coincidence and it's a record that will never be forgotten in the history of C&S Movement Church Worldwide.
 QUES,  Furthermore, in the history of the Council of Prophets,  building a secretariat in three months, not one room, not two rooms, not three rooms, I'm talking about 18 offices.  It's just like magic.. How were you able to accomplish all  these wonders only in 2024? 
ANS, It's God's wonders, It's not man's wonders because no man can receive anything  except what is given from above and besides that, everyone carries their own different grace. The grace for A may not be for B, so when you have a grace upon your life and the anointing flows,  and you have people around you that share the same vision with you it will be easier to do anything.  By the time you introduce your vision and you have people around you that key into the vision, believe me all your aims and objectives will be achieved except if you and others have differences where some people are raising their hands and other people are pulling it down so there can be a tendency that you may not be able to go far. But to God be the glory, before we had only a single room for only the Conference Supervising Prophet, the secretary doesn't have an office and no one else  in the council has an office. Even when I said the secretary didn't have an office, who else would have an office, So it is only the office of the Conference Supervising Prophet that was available and I realized it that in an administrative sector,  everybody must have a place of work in other to do one or two assignments even beside that, The Prophet Council is the largest council in our movement and people shouldnt  start roaming about if they want to see Officer A and also start finding it difficult to locate the office. They don't even know where to go, to lay their complaint, They don't know where to go to do their official assignment. So in fact, to remove all those bottlenecks and those issues God gave me the insight that you just have to put up a secretariat which will not be less than 13. Even if it depends on the availability of the land,  it is only the size of the land that limited us to the number of office rooms that we built  because if you want to build, you must consider the land debt space or the facility. so it is the space that gave us the grace to build, to map out about 30 rooms with a board room and to God be the glory, like I said, when you share your vision,  and people  buy it with you, God will make everything easier. It is not by human effort or by human intelligence.  But when you ask and you put it before God and the lord keyed into it  every resource to make it will be available.  It's not magic,  but it's God 's divine intervention because even as at the time we wanted to start the project,  it was about that time the burial committee charged the council five million  and all what we had was around ten or eleven million and we have to cough out that five million and pay for the burial program.  So leaving us with little to cater for other resources I didn't even ask for the budget at a blow, just give me a budget for spaces and as they are giving the budget we are releasing funds and as we are releasing funds, we make appeals to the councils, few people responded and  key into the vision with their little resources we put it in. We were able to go and see some other people and we thank God because at the end of the day, we were able to conclude and commission the project  in 3 months with over 70 million spent for the project. It is God, it is not magic, It is just when you have your vision and your people key into the vision and you take it to God and God grants you grace.  So when grace is upon your life, you can do it to any level. It is just by God's grace. 
 QUE, It is a  wonderful journey sir, you spread tentacle by creating units across the council of prophets, by creating more units, what did you intend to achieve, sir? Because Council has never had such unit s?
ANS,  Well, as a leader,  you must have  full knowledge of what you want to do.  You must be able to sit down and say, this is how to make this administration have a history of success. When you have the knowledge,  You sleep over some things then you ask from God,  God how do I do this?  Then God will give the directions, God will open your eyes,  the inner and the outer eyes,  and to know that if you put this structure, they will solve this problem.  This structure will attend to this issue.  This one will settle this matter.  So when God ministers to me and I have to put it down, and pray back to God, then God this and this and this will happen.  I know you cannot do anything even our vision recording,  I know we have a lot of vision let me just take that one as example, if we say we are giving vision, seraph is serving vision but there is no collating  center  there is no compilation,  our vision are released at our branches there is no compilation, even at the district  level There are vision at the district level, there is no collation at the central level.  So, but if you don't create something  that can go deep  and collate visions from the district to the branches level,  we will not know what God is saying about the church, We will not know what God is saying about the nations.  But by the time we have a unit  who can go into the depth of our branches and bring out visions and alslo interpret those visions spiritually  then we will know those ones that will go back to the nation,  we will know the ones that are speaking directly to the church at large, who knows the one that is speaking about an individual.  So we just have to put people,  people of high intelligence,  people that can literally put down things grammatically, without having errors even in all our languages.  we have our English, we have Yorubas, we have Hausas. So we have to bring people together who can address this matter.  and have a meaningful presentation, acceptable presentation. Let me state that as the first one, the second one is the ICT and data processing. The level of this our churches are spread all over the world, even when you consider the last examination we did,  we have to decentralize so that we make things very easy for our people.  It is easier for a few people to travel to Kaduna, to Abuja, to Port-harcourt, rather than bringing everybody to Canada.  It saves costs, it saves lives, it saves so many things. So we need to have people that can handle things and that is how we just have to decide to set up an ICT database.  When we have the ICT database  it will reduce people coming from a long distance because they want to write one or two examinations. It will reduce people if you want to screen them for ordination.  So when our ICT is standardized,  even our forms, people will just go online to fill their application forms. So many things will be done even in their various  rooms without even going from one place to another. We are in the jet age and we just have to see what we can do to reduce the stress of the people.  Many of these things we can do on our mobile phones rather than allowing people to travel down. So all these are the areas and many more and that is why we have to add the unit to the existing one.  And even where we have to redefine the existing one to make things work and  to God be the glory, we have the council of prophets that have variance in all fields of life. Talking of anything globally, we have able people.  So that means before we are underutilizing our human resources,  so people that can do it. Put the round pen in the raffle, they will give you a result.  And those are the things we are planning so that we can put people that can really work into and to lesser the problems. Even this year Horeb, you can see we are announcing, you don't need to come and gue for your ID card.  We have gotten the machine.  We are asking people to supply information online.  And so from the information they supply, the data people are offloading it and from there, they are doing the ID card. So that is the level. And we are not resting. We are still planning to do more. So by the time the council is fully settled, the offices are there, the equipment is ready, everything is ready, and everybody will say oh the council will be a wonderful place not the Movement alone but even to all the churches globally. QUES, In fact it's a great achievement.  sir,  indiscipline among the council is getting worrisome and many fake  prophets and prophetess is much. How did you intend to deal with this sir? 
ANS, In every society there is indiscipline even in every family.  You know this issue of indiscipline started from the home.  If the family is disciplined,  there will be less indiscipline in the church.  If the church is disciplined,  there will be less indiscipline in the society.  So one leads to the other. But a journey to a place starts with a step. We are not saying we don't see it,  It is an eyesore. But when you want to address 1,000 indiscipline, you start with just one. You just get a scapegoat. By the time you deal with one,  others will sit right and that is the best way we think we can handle this matter.  Even the issue of the  ordained, Most of the people are not ordained. After the ordination, they will just buy an ikoda and put it on and they start calling themselves prophet or prophetess. We cannot say we don't see those people but we may not be able to gather all of them at a time but just get one and make that one a scapegoat Other people will see that and stop it. when we are talking of cross -carpet,  it's indiscipline. Get one or two  make them a scapegoat  by the time you discipline them, I am telling you others will take it very seriously.  Even in my district this year,  one of my in-training was not ordained. It's just to invite discipline or let me say Just to invite discipline.  So charity begins  at home and  if I can start from my home, nobody will be scared in this matter.  So we see  it and we are addressing it gradually. By the time we get higher further, everybody will know that this is no nonsense administration and we are going to stop everything and the Lord will help us to do so. 
QUES,  The council is spread across the whole world, And you are based in Nigeria.  How is it convenient for you to rule globally? 
ANS, Ruling globally is not all that difficult, the seat of the president of nigeria  is in Abuja,  and the president is ruling Nigeria from Abuja,  he is not going to every state to rule. But when there's a law,  when there's an order, when there's a direction,  It's  just for us to implement it globally.  Apart from the unit we created, we have, district supervising prophets,  which are the eyes of the conference supervising prophets.  Whatever the law that is coming from the high places, they are there to implement it. They are there as the mouthpiece of the CSP and they are there representing, carrying the authority of the Conference supervising prophets to their district level.  So by the time they do their own functions without favour or otherwise,  the CSP is talking at their district level.  The CSP is talking at UK, is talking at the United States of America and globally. Besides,  I have appointed a liaison officer in the UK. and  he is there representing the CSP.  In the US, we have another liaison officer. The work of these liaison officers is to liaise between the CSP-Conference supervising prophets and all the districts  in the United Kingdom,  and all the districts in the United States of America and Canada.  We have prophet Olaninyan there, He is the liaison officer In the UK. For example even in the Nigerian government, there are ambassadors in each of these countries but the president is seated here in Nigeria and is still communicating with them and the administration is running smoothly, so the same thing is applicable to CSMC,So the administration is going globally, running globally is not a  difficult issue.  So where we are supposed to be but we cannot be and CSP cannot be everywhere at the same time.  There should be power of delegation and authority can be delegated even within Nigeria.  Even from Baba-aladura too. It's not everywhere Baba-aladura will be at times, he delegate chairman of the district to go and represent.  So the same thing applicable to the CSP and the CSP can delegate this district supervising prophet it can delegate the unit secretary, unit leader, it can delegate any member from any environment to go and represent them. So the power of delegation is still applicable and whosoever that is going, is going in the name of the conference supervising prophets. So ruling globally is never an issue as long as I am in the administrative sector. 
QUES, But Sir, what can we do about those doing covenant(eri), using of color candle, and then going into trance for  many days, like 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 21 days , I want to ask  how can you stop or limit all these and as the CSP how do you advice your disciples about all this ? 
ANS, Let me say,  my people perish for lack of knowledge. People are not reading their Bible, They are just following undue and ungodly doctrines, if they work by bible, they will know what is right and what is wrong and that is why we are doing the training from time to time every year in the prophetic ministry of the C&S movement Church worldwide.  At times we will invite all the DSP, all the unit heads, all the unit secretaries and so many people for one training or the other and even for the people to be ordained,  we give them three solid year training and none of our training will instruct you to start carrying covenant(eri) even after being ordained and we will never tell you to start carrying  this box or the other.  We don't teach anybody in that line,  I just want to say in the summary, let them follow our teaching. Let all prophets follow our teachings and  Our doctrine is just clear and very biblical. I know they do it in some churches (Not movement churches)But I don't believe any of the movement church members or prophet and prophetess, Carries covenant box(ERI), but please if there is any, I want people to search for the branch or the district and report them to us and we will not hesitate to do justice, we will not hesitate to do immediate justice to that matter. but these are the problems we are having, when people have information, they won't disclose it because they are scared of reporting that person.  You know, if our security people in the country, if they don't have privileged information, they will not be able to perform.  We are not saying anybody that wants to give us information to disclose his identity.  But let that person give us the correct information, So that when we go there and we see it in that way, we make that person another scapegoat. Nobody should carry  our staff or rod and be doing any other things contrary to the belief we have in our church or in the Bible. If anybody is seen doing so, we will not hesitate to withdraw  whatever we have given to that person.  We will withdraw it and we will renounce such a person as either a prophet or a prophetess and we'll do every necessary thing to stop such an attitude. So the issue of the going in trance, I don't want to open it to the public because there are graces upon people,  for example Somebody that cannot fast for a day and is now saying he or she is going in trance for seven days, don't you know there's going to be problem, So I want to appeal to the leaders of each branches of our churches to be mindful of people they will allow, even for three days, to be mindful of people that they will allow in their respective churches. We actually know that some people are using it to raise funds for their churches,some people are using it to acquire wealth,  but of what profit, The wealth they acquire through the means of people going into trance doesn't last, How long will it last,  The one that God has not given doesn't last,  It doesn't last and it won't last.  And the leaders should always examine someone's health status medically before allowing them to go into trance, is the health status of that person good enough to go into trance, does he/she have any sickness. So we check the spirituality aspect as well as  The medical aspect and also  the ability aspect Put the daniel band member(alore) into fasting and prayer and watch them closely, how many of them have the strength to fast, Some of them can't even fast for three days, and some of them even break their fast at the end of each day, and  later on he/she will start saying they are going to fast for 7 days or 21 days,and the leaders will be at stake because when it backfires,  it will be against that church and against the leader. So the leaders of our churches should be cautious and careful because of people that want to go in trance and they should not allow all these type of scenario to destroy what they have planted or what they have been nursing for years and it can even lead them to the police station or high court because They don't really know implication it can cause If it eventually happens, So I pray such case does not occurs in our churches.  But it's just a warning that everyone should be mindful of the way they conduct their services and allow people to go in trance and there are some individuals that can fast for seven days straight without entering trance, even if they do go into trance for several days, you can be confident that no issues will arise unlike some people that can't fast from morning till evening and they will keep insisting that they want to go into trance. So may the lord help us and also help our church leaders so that they can be careful and also study their surroundings in order to abstain from problems. 
QUES, Thank you sir,  how is your relationship with your cabinet,  how do you manage your immediate cabinet? 
ANS, I want to thank God for the people that have been serving with one responsibility or another, you know we cannot be 100% perfect, but all I can say is everything is above average. If I should say that they work at  higher level then that means I'm telling them there's no room for improvement, So there's still room for improvement for every unit and every cabinet member, because nobody has gotten to the apex or higher level of what they are going to do so I can still see that they are still trying, but when you are giving them an assignment I do tell others that I may not know the people I put in units but I may know them by their names and profession but still I don't know their worth. Until i start seeing the good result of their performances, so it is still too early for me now to rate anybody, either at higher standards or below average because those people that are underperforming may not know that they can still do more things, but by the time they know that their performance is still below average and you give them another chance to try and let people see them performing. So I think it's too early to start rating them. But I will encourage all unit heads, unit members, DSP, and all the secretaries to the council, and also everyone involved to continue giving their maximum effort. so that the field each of them are being posted will be seen not by only me but by the council and everybody and am sure the council will appreciate the wonders they are doing. i might not be seeing everything but   by the time other people start saying, "seriously, the people you put in media and social place are doing wonders'' That is when I will know they are performing really well and also if people come back and start giving me good report that the vision recording and bulletin are doing an excellent job, That is when I will believe they are doing an excellent job. So I want good feedback from the audience because the feedback I receive will make me to rate them but for now, I cannot rate any unit and I cannot rate anybody performances, Though I'm seeing the results of what we are doing, but I want the rating to come from the audience because the way I will see it may not be the way they will see it but they are the people, they are serving directly.  So I'm just at the collating center but all the units are serving all our prophets and prophetesses, and even the church at large. So it is the result I gather and the information I receive that will make me assess and judge the unit I created and the people are working if they are doing very well or not. 
QUES, Thank you sir, What advice do you intend to give your disciples during this hardship that we are passing through?  ANS, The adage says, cut your coats according to your size. so I want to appeal to everybody and every member of the council, not the immediate executive,  not the unit, but the church at large Let's manage what we have to sustain us so that we will not put the church into a public embarrassment because whatever happens to a member will automatically affect the church, We know things are so hard and We know things are not rosy. If you cannot afford putting your children in private schools that will make you pay huge school fees please withdraw them and send them to public schools. All of us attended public school and we made it and succeeded, so I think those are the part of things causing hardship and If you can't afford a duplex building payment please move to an apartment with lesser rent that won't affect you financially, If you have many cars and you can't maintain all of them i will advise you to use the one that has minimum fuel consumption and also limit your going out to important outings which is inevitable. Thank God our mobile phones have settled so many things, for example things that can make you travel or move to somewhere,you can just do them through your phones in your comfort zones. So finally we have to be extremely prayerful this time around.  I used to say, it only took prophet elisha, to change the situation of Samaria in the time of their iconic matter and he  only prayed to God that by this time tomorrow, Lord make things easy and it worked, so if we ordained over 1,000 prophets this year and we have over 10 ,000 prophets and prophetesses in just   movement churches alone and we cannot pray for the situation of this country then i still see it as an issue because We have lots of ministers in this country. but instead of praying, we are cursing the leaders and we don't know that we are only reigning negative statements on this nation, That is where we are missing it.  If we want this country to settle, we just have to put our voice together and keep praying for the leaders as well as praying for the nation. If we keep cursing the leaders it will just keep affecting them and will start making them to misbehave but if we can kneel down and keep on praying for the country and for the people in power I am sure everything will be great again. But if we start laying down curses on the governments it will not help the situation, so the major thing as a Christian or as a prophet and prophetess is to keep praying no matter how hard, The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (james 5:16-17) and where two or three are gathered in my name, i am among them (matt 18:19-20),  So that is one of the paramount things, We live certainty for certainty.  By the time we sit down to think and listen in this direction and we pray together, we stop the curses and we stop blaming, I am well assured that we will have a better Nigeria and a better government that will be ruling the country so, but however without this,  If where you are worshipping is too far from where you reside please look for any movement church closer to where you are located and worship with them,  If you have to spend #5,000 to and fro to your church and there's a place where you won't spend more than #1,000 within your place of residence since we are serving the same God then it is better to attend the church that is closer to you and won't inconvenience you financially. So those are my little things I want to advise our church, our prophets and prophetess in this hard economy period and i know the lord will help us in jesus name.
  By prophet Adetunbi Olufemi.

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