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Sunday 25 August 2024

I try to eradicate “divide and rule” and I carry everybody along to make sure we reason together to achieve common goals; ICOP General Secretary, prophet Abiodun Ogunsakin.

INTRODUCTION My name is prophet Adetunbi Olufemi from bulletin unit can I meet you sir?
I am prophet Abiodun Ayodeji Ogunsakin the Leader in Charge of Sanctuary of Solution under Idimu District and by the special grace of God the Council General Secretary.
What are the challenges you have faced and how have you been coping?       
Well we thank God! There are so many challenges as the Secretary being the lifewire of every organization and every society, you should know that there will be a lot of challeges. Bringing people together to have same focus is always a very difficult thing for anybody to do. So as a secretary you need to bring everybody together particularly because we are not in the secular world but in the spiritual realm. So, to bring people to have same focus at the same time or to be in unity is always very challenging. By the special grace of God we are coping, I try to eradicate “divide and rule” and I carry everybody along to make sure we reason together to achieve common goals.
How were you able to cope with the workload to Horeb 2024 with the 5 different Programmes tied to it?
By the special grace of God anything you're to do in this world put God first to assist you. Horeb 2024 was a special programme. The installation of a new Baba Aladura, installation of new CSP, sendforth of the former CSP and ordination of new prophets and prophetesses was successfully done.  The first challenge we faced as a governing council is the change of government. Its not easy. This is the first of its kind that we (ICOP) change our supervising prophet when the former one is still alive. Other ones that we have been having they die before we choose new supervising prophet. In the council today, we have so many people that are still loyal to the former council supervising prophet (CSP) despite the fact that they know it is the constitution of the church that brought about the change. Secondly, the absorption of the new CSP and the governing council in one accord is also tasking and stressful. Nevertheless, the mind of God and the spirit of God in us it was so time consuming and demanding day-in day-out we are on duty 24/7 because we try to bring people that has been working before together and orientate them to conform with the existing operational guidelines. 
You has served two or more CSP how was your experience with them?
Well, I started serving during the time of our father special Apostle Prophet Andrew Adekunle Adebayo and that time sincerely speaking, the Council of Prophet was not that popular. I started with him by trying to use all my resources to make the Council of Prophets popular and to make baba Adebayo to be recognized. Like that time nobody sees the need for supervising prophet as some who is supposed to be using car and during Baba Akinrele’s tenure we usually join train transportation from one place to the other. They don’t rest at all. From one place to another supervising branches of the church and I don’t think he boarded airplane once before he died. I try all my effort to ensure that the supervising prophets seat become a recognized one in C & S and a whole. I started rough with Baba Adebayo, being the National CSP, all the hurdles, I make arrangement for him to be in Lagos despite coming all the way from Abuja through road transport. I book him in the hotel here in Lagos for as long as the programme will take and thank God today we can smile. Alagba Zacheus was the Secretary that time and I was the deputy secretary and we worked with Baba Adebayo till the last day before Alagba Zacheus was appointed as the Supervising Prophet. So the zeal I started with Baba Adebayo was what I passed on to the other supervising prophet. Giving them the honest and respect due to them. The  most disappoint thing during Alagba Zacchaeus  tenure is that the letter given to him was being tenured. I became so angry that is not constitutional for council of prophet to be tenured. Fortunately, so far so good we have started with Alagba  Joel Adeniran and everything is fine; we are moving very fast.
For record purposes can you mention the excos that worked with you during Horeb 2024 programme?
I don’t have exco as at 2024 except the last meeting we did now that we ratified thing about exco. This is because we had exco that were existing during the former tenure which I was the secretary then. The present supervising prophet, Prophet Adeniran decided to maintain the exco for a while before any change. We don’t make any change but at the same time we did something similar. For example if you check the pamphlet of this year’s Horeb programme you will not see any exco name there because we inaugurated CSP’s inauguration committee. It was after the programme that we held a meeting to that effect, the previous exco has been redundant and it is now we have started with exco now that the inauguration committee has been dissolved. 
The new government inject a lot of units and focus in her government what does it intend to achieve?
What we intend to achieve is for the council of prophet to really bear the name people are calling us. Council of Prophet is as old as the conference. Now as the eldest in the house, I can say the council of prophet is the lifewire of C&S Movement. Then as a council of prophet we are the one that is suppose to pave way for the growth of the church. All what we are doing in the council of prophet is how to rebranding the council conference grow. This growth is directly proportional to the yearly Horeb conference. When the council of prophet is growing then the  conference will be growing too. We have to arrange and set the pace so that everybody coming after will follow. 
Fake prophet and prophetess are becoming alarming?
Thank you for that word “fake” the parasite in our midst there is no way they will not be there. If Jesus Christ can have 12 disciples and out of the 12 one Judas is there. In this year’s ordination more than one thousand people were ordained. There is no way that there wouldn’t be parasite. We have people like that. The only way to curb people like this is to deal with them with wisdom. I don’t really know the definition of fake maybe because they were ordained in a crook way, how would we know that? Right from the era of our founder Orimolade such news is being heard.  Just like a fisherman that went to catch fishes, when he throws the net into the ocean it catches both fishes and other things. So, council of prophet is striving to be in unity there is no way that we will not hear the news of prophet or prophetess with some shortcoming. I pray God will help us in this kingdom race.   

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