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Saturday 3 September 2022



GOING TO THE HILLS : Many people often ask why do these people go to uphill? There is nowhere you can see the church of Cherubim and Seraphim that they don't have their hills. They don't choose these hills themselves but the Holy Spirit of God choose the hill for them.

Orimolade was the first man that always went to a hill for prayers when he was at ikare. This is like to Jesus way if praying. There is a small well on this hill called "Orioke Atan" which is not dug by anyone. The water is used for a lot of healing. History tells us that Orimolade used to enter into this well and come out from the next nearby village. The story goes further that a white man tried to enter into the same well and nobody heard of him again. The Cherubim and Seraphim members at ikare and suburbs used to go to this hill for prayers.  It is the Holy Spirit that directs our father to this hills.

GOING TO THE WILDERNESS - This wilderness is a sanctified part of a forest or bush land, which is not far from the town. At times when a Cherubim and Seraphim Church compound is big,part of it is filled with sand, sanctified and used in place of "wilderness" where people can pray.

GOING TO THE BAR BEACH: There was a story about Orimolade that, he often took people to the Bar Beach for prayer. There was a time when pastors of other denomination were trying to put out the glowing spirit if this Holy Church. Then he invited them to follow him to the Bar Beach. Many none members followed them. As he got there, the ocean flowed backward into the sea. He light three candles. He told the people that if the oceans waves could overcome and put off the burning flames of the candles, then the glorious flame of this Church shall be put off by the evil or governmental forces, but if the ocean waves cannot put off the flames of the candle, it will mean nobody shall be able to put off the light of this Cherubim and Seraphim Church forever.

People of God, everybody stood watching, Orimolade left the candles and stood apart watching the waves coming like a mountain as it flowed over the candles into the the other side. Everybody ran off for his or her lives and the waves flowed back the second time over the candles into the ocean, everybody ran to where the candles were to see what had happened. To their greatest surprise the candles were on the same spot burning brighter than before. The news of this spread to people, and many more became members. 

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