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Sunday 23 October 2022


-Primate Ayodele

Top man of God, Primate Elijah Ayodele, has explained in detail the kind of presidential candidate Nigerians should vote for in the 2023 general elections.

Ayodele noted some attributes that should be found in the next president of the country in order to make the nation better than it is at the moment.

The cleric said Nigeria needs someone who is intelligent, has the fear of God, has feelings for the poor, and is intentional about making the economy better.

He revealed that the nation is in dire need of a leader who isn’t biased and sectional in anything because this is necessary to keep the country together.

He cautioned the citizens against voting for a president that will be a puppet to the past leaders.

“This is the kind of person Nigerians should vote for as the next president of the country, someone who will make Nigeria better, one who is intelligent and has the fear of God. Someone who has feelings for the poor and is intentional about making the economy better. One who isn’t sectional and doesn’t have religious bias.’’

“We need someone who will create employment for the youths, who will fight corruption and won’t be sectional, this present government is sectional in fighting corruption and insecurity. We need someone who will make a promise and fulfil it, someone who will take Nigeria as his own nation and won’t rule as a regional leader. Someone who will take education seriously and not use payment of workers’ salaries as a campaign. One who will look after the pensioners.’’

“We need someone who has the mind to do restructuring, one who won’t be a puppet to past leaders, someone who will reorganize the country, who will do infrastructure, invest in agriculture.

“The point is every one of them has been in one government or the other but surely, one among them will be better than the others. We need someone who will shun ethnic bias, and handle security properly, one who is bold and call a spade a spade. We need someone who will fight injustice because there is corruption in the judiciary.’’

Speaking on how Nigerians can know the one who truly has these attributes, Primate Ayodele revealed that none of the top contenders have all of these excellently but God will touch the mind of Nigerians to be able to see the one who is better than others.

‘’This is the kind of leader God described to me and who among them has this attribute? God said he will touch the heart of Nigerians to see someone who has these. Although among them, none of them has it excellently and we can’t have an excellent leader in 2023 but we will get someone who can make it better than it is now.’’

‘’This might interest you or not but this is the kind of government Nigeria needs. We can be deceived by the former leaders but only God can help us choose the right person, he won’t deceive us.’’

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