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Monday 3 July 2023

Major General LKJ Ogunewe (rtd): An Engineer determined to re-engineer Imo State

Major General LKJ Ogunewe (rtd): An Engineer determined to re-engineer Imo State
By Tochukwu Ezukanma

The renowned Nigerian writer, Chinue Achebe, once wrote that “The problem of Nigeria is simply a problem of leadership”. Yes, the problem of the country and the individual states is a problem of leadership. The power, influence and consequences of leadership are so enormous and encompassing that it literally defines a people, country, and, in this context, a state. By his words and actions, the next governor of Imo State will build or destroy, make or unmake the state, and bring about poverty or prosperity, rule of law or anarchy to the people of the state. Therefore, the gubernatorial election of November 11, 2023 in Imo State is momentous; the people must choose their next governor with utmost circumspection.

As usual, an assortment of political parties and gubernatorial candidates are gearing up for the election. Many of these candidates lack the requisite qualification, experience and character to be governor. Some of them desire gubernatorial power just to advance selfish and cliquish interests and luxuriate in the pomp and pageantry of the office. Such men cannot genuinely serve the people, but deploy power as a ruthless enemy of the people: entrench corruption, heighten socio-economic inequality and worsen the plight of the people. Therefore, from the cluttered field of gubernatorial candidates, Imolites must sieve out the best of the candidates, and elect him governor of Imo State. Casting a critical eye on the antecedence and character of the candidates, the best and most capable amongst them becomes evident. He is General Lincoln Ogunewe (rtd).  

This is a fact evinced by his demonstrated courage, vision, elevated morals and ethics, financial honesty and incorruptibility in his earlier duties and responsibilities; and his sensitivity to the plight and concerns of the common man, especially the dispossessed and downtrodden, and his unwavering dedication to the service of the people.
General Ogunewe had illustrious career in the Nigerian Military. He held many important posts in the Nigerian Army and at the United Nations Organization  (UNO). These included Chief of Defense Standards and Evaluation, Defense Headquarters, Chief of Policy & Plans (Army), Army Headquarters, Defence Adviser. Mission of Nigeria to the United Nations, Dean Military & Police Adviser’s Community of the United Nations, Member Military Staff Committee that advises the United National Security on defence and security issues, Director Foreign Liaison Defence Intelligence Agency among others. With each of these assignments, he demonstrated courage, brilliance, vision and commitment to service, and thus, distinguished himself. In his distinguished career, he won many awards of excellence, and his professional colleagues, from Nigerians, Americans and other countries of the world hold him in very high esteem. 

Nothing educates more than a mistake. After the election of a series of bad and mediocre governors, Imo people must have learnt their political lessons from their political mistakes. This time around, they cannot afford to make another electoral mistake. It behooves them to elect Lincoln Ogunewe, as their new governor. With the indomitable will of a military commander, and financial honesty of a social crusader, he will set Imo State on a new trajectory.   

General Lincoln Ogunewe (rtd) is a son of the Biafran war hero, Colonel David Ogunewe. At the time of the July 29th, 1966 counter coup and the associated slaughter of Easterners (soldiers and civilians) in northern Nigeria, Col Ogunewe was the Commanding Officer of 1 Battalion Nigerian Army Enugu.  He played a major role in the exchange of Igbos caught up in the North with the officers and soldiers of other regions that he commanded. He fought gallantly for Biafra; he was a decorated war hero. He was also the Military Adviser to the Biafran Head of State, General Odumegwu Ojukwu, till the end of the war. 

Already, the General has his blueprint for a new and reinvigorated Imo State. The blueprint consists of laid out plans, and detailed and specific objectives, goals and strategies for dealing with insecurity, in all its facets; tackling official corruption and waste in government; revamping the state economy, reducing unemployment and inducing economic prosperity; and establishing rule of law, social justice and principled distribution of the state resources in the state. The blueprint is people orientated; it is directed at the betterment of the common man. It is essentially a deliberate design to employ gubernatorial power as a selfless servant of the people. 

It behooves the people of Imo State to elect General Ogunewe as the next governor of Imo State. As governor, he will take Imo State on a new trajectory marked by respect for the sanctity of human life, prosperity, transparency, accountability and overall societal progress. 

Tochukwu Ezukanma writes from Lagos, Nigeria.

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