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Monday 17 July 2023

Our Security in the South East is Key So I share the above

Our Security in the South East is Key So I share the above:

The UGM declaring Fake Sit at Home are FGN Agents. It is an FGN False Flag Operation in Eastern Nigeria and in the South East in particular.

Asari Dokubo is the GOC of UGM in the whole East and Benue and Plataeu States.
He confessed openly. Dokubo's UGM is funded, trained, armed and deployed by the FGN hiding under cover of oil pipeline secularity contract to protect oil and gas pipelines.

The other Commander of another group of FGN UGM forces deployed in the South East, is Simon Ekpa, aka fake ESN and Autopilot. Not only does he falsely use the name ESN, he also falsely added the name IPOB to his Autopilot. Autopilot Headquarters is in Abuja and they are fully funded, trained and armed by the FGN through ex Gov Dave Umahi. 

The third group of UGM in the East is Miyetti Allah's VGN (Vigilante Group Nigeria) made up of Boko Haram and Fulani Herdsmen Terrorists. FGN under Buhari recruited, funded, armed them and used the Nigeria Millitary and Police logistics to deploy them all over the South and the Middle Belt.

The fourth group of UGM in the East is BNG (Biafra National Guard). Their leader and his group are prisoners facing death sentence and life imprisonment in Nigerian Prisons all over Nigeria, especially Igbo young men. 

DSS, NIA and Nigeria Millitary gathered them from jails all over Nigeria, trained, armed and deployed them on missions all over the East and South East in particular. The leader of BNG from Anambara State and his gang, including his wife were facing death sentence in DSS custody for kidnap and killing of Chinese expertriates. DSS did a deal with him and his group and other prisoners, established BNG for them and deployed them as UGM. DSS is still holding the man's wife in prison custody till today to make sure BNG leader does exactly what he is ordered or directed to do.

The fifth UGM is now known publicly, being Ebubeagu set up in Imo and Ebonyi by Uzodinma and Umahi respectively. Ebubeagu is made up of Asari Dokubo's UGM, Miyetti Allah's VGN and the so-called repented Boko Haram that were recruited into the Nigerian Millitary  in addition to some special forces from Nigerian Police and Nigeria Millitary that control them.

Ebubeagu are largely 95 % non-Igbo.

Ebubeagu was born out of a so called security meeting South East Governors held with FGN and Nigeria Security Chiefs after Yoruba formed Amotekun. 

Only Uzodinma and Umahi accepted the FGN plan to set Ebubeagu up using various UGM Forces of largely non-Igbo people. Governors of Anambra, Enugu and Abia at the time  backed off and refused to carry out the FGN plan in their States. 

Ebubeagu has killed more Igbo people in Imo and Ebonyi than Fulani Herdsmen Terrorists and Nigeria Millitary and Police put togather have killed.

Don't ever be deceived. UGM are Federal Gorvenment Armed gunmen deployed in the East and in the South East in particular in what is called False Flag Operations.

A False Flag Operation is an action, mostly terrorist actions or operations carried out by Government Forces in disguise or under cover which is then made to look like it is carried out by another group or people so that those actions are blamed on another group. FGN UGM Forces carry out terrorist acts in the South East pretending to be IPOB and ESN and then blame their terrorist acts on IPOB and ESN who have no hand in the acts.

The aim of the FGN UGM False Flag Operations are two-fold largely:

1. Provide False but believable evidence to the UN, EU, US, AU, ECOWAS and the international Community and Nigerians that IPOB and ESN are Terrorist Organisations. 

2. Convince all Biafrans and Igbo people in particular that IPOB and ESN are the ones killing Igbo people and Biafrans and burning down their homes and thereby cause the Igbo and Biafran population to hate IPOB and rise up against IPOB in all Igbo and Biafra Communities. Also scare the Igbo and Biafran population to abandone Biafra Agitation for fear of overwhelming violence, killings and destruction of their properties.

If FGN achieves the first objective, all important countries of the World will ban IPOB as a terrorist organisation. IPOB members will be prosecuted Worldwide as Terrorists. All IPOB bank accounts Worldwide will be seized as Terrorist funds. People who donate money to IPOb will be prosecuted for terrorism funding. No one will want to donate money to IPOB for fear of being prosecuted for funding terrorism. IPOB members will all run away from IPOB as most people will not want to be prosecuted as Terrorists. If this happens both IPOB and Biafra Agitation will die a permanent death.  Without members and without funds, IPOB and Biafra Agitation would die off in no time! 

If FGN achieved its second objective, Igbo and Biafra communities will rise up against IPOB. They will get their sons and daughters to reject IPOB or be killed. They will reject both IPOB and Biafra Agitation. Again, such will kill both IPOB and Biafra Agitation.

These explain why FGN UGM groups are dressed and kitted in False Biafra colours and IPOB insignia and emblems. 

Some of the FGN UGM are often "caprured" in fake pre-arranged Operations and then they make a staged confession before cameras falsely claiming to be IPOB and ESN. Some have even ridiculously claimed on Camera that Nnamdi Kanu who is in DSS Custody ordered them to carry out their UGM Operations!

Because many of the UGM are death row prisoners, FGN and the Security Forces sacrifice some of  them sometimes by sending them to special setup Operations. The Securiuty Forces will then lay ambush for the UGM they want to sacrifice in an operation and just waste them. Immediately you will see news people with cameras and Nigeria Army and Police will be proudly praising their "Gallant Men"! They then will show corpses with charms and wearing Biafra and IPOB or ESN colours! But it is all false flag operations by Nigeria Security Forces! Not one the corpses or the captured paraded is IPOB or ESN member! It's all false setup for false evidence against IPOB! 

Another example is the people killed in Ogbaru and alleged to be working for USA Embassy. It is a lie. It was a joint FGN Security Services joint operation with CIA and British Intelligence! FGN security forces just wasted those prisoners they alleged to be staff of US Embassy and falsely alleged they were killed by IPOB and ESN! Till today not one name of any of those burnt alive has been published. Have you seen where US Embassy Staff have no names, no families or anyone who knows them?

If you watched that horrifying video clip carefully, you will see that it was all a set up. Their vehicle was clearly loaded with petrol and incinerates such that the vehicle and everyone in it would burn to ashesbeyond recognition. No one burnt in the vehicle csn ever be identified  nor can they be identifiable. In fact, it is possible that those people were actually killed elsewhere and were merely set ablaze at the scene. The way the burning Mini bus/Hilux and the people in them burnt, the vehicle was fully loaded with petrol and other fuels such that every thing in it burnt to ashes beyond recognition! 

All the fake sit at homes in the East and South East in particular are declared and enforced by FGN using its UGM Forces from Dokubo to Ekpa to Ebubeagu and the rest of them.

In March this year the Institute of Ecomics and Peace (IEP) Ltd, the publisher of the Global Terrorism Index (,GTI) made a false publication ranking IPOB as the tenth deadliest terrorist organisation in the World. They made that false publication using the information from all the FGN UGM operstions FGN gave to them! 

FGN has spent over USD6 billion on its False Flag Operations in the East since they kidnapped MNK from Nairobi, Kenya. 

Therefore, when you see these terrorist acts going on in the East, including declaration of fake sit at home and its enforcement, you should know that these are FGN operations using its UGM. It is all a False Flag Operation they make to look like it is IPOB or ESN.

IPOB and ESN have no involvement in any of those terrorist acts. 

Simon Ekpa changed his name to ESN and added the name 'IPOB" to his Autopilot!  The only reason FGN made that arrangement with Ekpa is so that whatever his FGN UGM does, can be blamed falsely on IPOB and ESN which have no business with Ekpa and his FGN UGM!

Asari Dokubo declared himself as the President of Biafra Customary Government (BCG).

FGN established Dokubo's UGM through oil pipeline security contracts worth billions of dollars. Dokubo carries guns arround and his UGM carry out operations all over the East and South East in particular. Again all the UGM operations of Dokubo and his UGM are tagged to "Biafra Customary Government". Again the blame goes to Biafra and Biafra Agitators but in reality, they are FGN UGM operations.

The Biafra National Guard (BNG) UGM go about in Biafra colours with guns and terrorise people and you won't see Nigeria Security Services until they are done and gone. Again the blame goes to a group of UGM with "Biafra" in their name, but in reality, it is FGN UGM operations.

Shine your eyes, people. 

IPOB is a non-violent liberation movement seeking restoration of Biafra by peaceful means - UN supervised Refferendum! 

All criminal activity is banned in IPOB.

All IPOB does is preach peaceful civil disobedience and demand the Freedom, Self-Rule and Self-Determination of Biafra. These are basic human rights of Biafrans. It is not a crime and it is not an act of war against Nigeria or anyone.

IPOB cannot kill Igbo or any Biafran. That's impossible. It makes no sense. IPOB is for freedom of Biafrans and cannot be involved in anything that will harm the same people it is fighting for.

E SN is only deloyed in the forests and bushes where there is Fulani Herdsmen Terrorist activity.

 ESN can never be deployed in Biafran Towns or villages or populated areas.  That is not the role of ESN. 

The only time ESN ever deployed in a town was in the defence of Orlu at the height of the FGN millitary operations there in 2020/2021.  Otherwise ESN is too busy defending Forests in Biafra, and before ESN is deployed in any forests where Fulani Herdsmen are a threat, the communities in that are must first accept ESN to come in and that community must also provide people from their Community. ESN can never be deployed in any community unless that community willingly invites them to come to their rescue.

It's a fact that IPOB initially declared Mondays sit at home. But immediately after the very first Monday sit at home, IPOB received credible intelligence that FGN was set to hijack the Mondays sit at home using UGM Forces in a False Flag Operation!  DOS of IPOB immediately cancelled the Mondays sit at home order so as to frustrate the planned FGN UGM False Flag Operations. But FGN decided to go ahead with its operations using Asari Dokubo, Simon Ekpa, BNG, Ebubeagu and other FGN State Actor Terrorist Forceces!

You will notice that nearly on every Mondays Ebubeagu in Ebonyi and Imo State will be driving arround shooting at people and burning vehicles and shops. They will then falsely claim it is IPOB or ESN. 

The other FGN UGM Forces will also target several locations in the South East to burn shops, destroy property and often kill people in the name of enforcing sit at home!

Often on Mondays, Ebubeagu will also arrest people who dare to venture outside their home into the road or street and take them to their camps or simply kill them if the person is unlucky. So, why is Ebubeagu in Imo and Ebonyi enforcing Mondays or other sit at home, if it was not FGN that is ordering the false sit at homes and their enforcement? 

They falsely use the name of IPOB and ESN to commit terrorist acts in the South East.

Whenever you hear IPOB or ESN mentioned in any clip or publication about sit at home, it's enforcement or killings and arson in the South East or anywhere in the East, you should know that it is a LIE. It is FGN UGM False Flag Operation to destroy IPOB and Biafra Agitation.

The FGN UGM False Flag Operations have failed woefully.

The entire World now know that it is the FGN that is behind the terrorist acts in the South East and the East. 

No country till date is prepared to declare IPOB as a terrorist organisation. IPOB is a recognised Charity Worldwide in clouding in Australia where Indigenous People of Biafra (Biafra Community in Australia) Incorporated is a national body registered Charity with ACNC.

IPOB is incorporated in about 120 countries Worldwide including in the 5 Super power nations and all major leading nations of the UN, EU, AU and ECOWAS.

The Igbo people and Biafrans have not abandoned IPOB. In deed nearly the entire population of the East excluding some One Nigeria Politicians and civil servants, are either  IPOB  or supporters of IPOB. They know that the killers and Terrorists are not IPOB or ESN but instead, they are FGN operators that are causing the mayhem.

In all Nigerian Courts not one person of the thousands of IPOB members charged to Court by the FGN with terrorism offences, has been convicted.

All IPOB members arrested or charged with terrorism in Nigerian Courts have won their cases and have been freed by the Courts in Nigeria.

MNK has won in the Federal High Court and has defeated FGN at the Court of Appeal of Nigeria. Therefore, no IPOB member has ever been convicted of terrorism charges in Nigeria. IPOB has won all the thousands of terrorism cases against its members in Nigerian Courts.

All over, the FGN False Flag Operations against IPOB and against Biafra Agitation, have failed in Nigeria and internationally.

When next you see video clips of UGM activity in the South East or the East, you should know it is the failed FGN UGM False Flag Operation that they are desperately trying to continue in the vain hope that they will succeed.

The FGN UGM False Flag Operations against IPOB and Biafra Agitation in the South East and thevEast, have failed woefully!@

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