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Sunday 3 July 2022

Adeboye Rains Curses On Terrorists, Kidnappers, Sponsors, NSCEA Rains Plagues

Adeboye Rains Curses On Terrorists, Kidnappers, Sponsors, NSCEA Rains Plagues

“From now on it is going to be fire for fire” -Papa Enoch Adeboye

"All they have done to others shall be done to them and all their generation unborn by fire" -NSCEA

In a news report by Shojobi Abisola on July 2, 2022 in Independent, "The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pa. Pastor Enoch Adeboye, has rained curses on kidnappers, terrorists and their sponsors.

Churches in Nigeria have suffered more deadly attacks and excruciating deaths recently. An attack on a church in Owo, Ondo State, was one of the notable attacks in the month of June.

Pa. Enoch Adeboye, "The cleric who spoke during his sermon at the ongoing July Holy Communion Service said criminal groups terrorising churches and Nigeria will know no peace.

“As the Lord lives, every evil plot against the church of the Lord will be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus. From now on every kidnapper, terrorists including their sponsors will never experience rest again.

“The blood running in their vein will turn to fire, the air they breathe will turn to fire, the ground they step will turn to fire, the bed they sleep upon will turn to fire, when they wake up, they will be waking in fire, when they sleep, they will be dreaming fire.

“As long as Jesus lives, as long as the name of God I serve is the consuming fire, every evil plot against the church of God, the fire of God will consume them,” he prayed.

The report at NSCEA states that following the aggressive prayers from the gentleman and humane man of God, Bishop Prof. Funmilayo Adesanya-Davies, the Secretary, Elder’s Council Nigerian Supreme Council for Ecclesiastical Affairs (NSCEA) confirmed that special scriptural readings and special deliverance prayers were rolled out to all Christians to pray along by NSCEA.

1.1 1. Turning water to blood: Ex. 7:14–24.
1.2 2. Frogs: Ex. 7:25–8:11/15.
1.3 3. Lice or gnats: Ex. 8:12–15/8:16–19.
1.4 4. Wild animals or flies: Ex. 8:16–28/8:20–32.
1.5 5. Pestilence of livestock: Ex. 9:1–7.
1.6 6. Boils: Ex. 9:8–12.
1.7 7. Thunderstorm of hail and fire: Ex. 9:13–35.
1.8 8. Locusts: Ex. 10:1–20.

The TEN (10) plagues in the book of Exodus are to be prayed as Moses prayed when he asked Pharaoh to let the Israelites be free and leave Egypt and Pharaoh refused. As Papa Enoch Adeboye "The blood running in their vein will turn to fire" and their lives will never remained the same again.

NSCEA thus pray down the wrath of God that was upon Pharaoh and his people from now onwards upon every kidnapper, terrorists including their sponsors. The blood running in their vein will turn to fire. They will never experience rest again.

Egypt TEN (10) plagues in the book of Exodus shall daily follow them:
1. Plague of Blood
Their waters would be turned to blood – and the fishes in the river dead and the Egyptians couldn’t drink the foul water.

2. Plague of Frogs
Frogs shall swarm forth, covering every inch of their land and entering their houses and bedrooms.

3. Plague of Lice
All over their vicinity, bugs shall crawl forth from the dust to cover their space.

4. Plague of Wild animals
Hordes of wild animals shall destroy everything in their path their herds and source of sustainance and income.

5. Plague of Pestilence
A fatal pestilence shall kill all their domestic animals of all kinds and as well terminate their lives.

6. Plague of Boils
They and their servants, and even their animals shall developed painful boils all over their bodies to death.

7. Plague of Fiery hail
Hail shall struck down all the crops in the fields and shattered every tree in their space.

8. Plague of Locusts
Locusts will covered the face of their space and swallow up every crop and all the fruits of their trees.

9. Plague of Darkness
A thick darkness shall over the them, so total that they would not be able to feel and find their way around.

10. Plague of Death of the first-born
All firstborn their sons (and firstborn cattle) shall die as they murder others.

All they have done to others shall be done to them seventy times all and their generation unborn as the Lord lives in Jesus Christ Yeshua mighty name by the fire of the Holy Ghost.

Furthermore, Pastor Enoch Adeboye has in another report said, "Defend yourselves, from now on it is fire for fire, Adeboye tells Christians." It is now in the hands of the Children of God to defend themselves amidst rising insecurity in Nigeria. The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God stated this during the church’s July 2022 Holy Ghost Service.

The highly respected cleric stated that there is nowhere in the bible where God said a child of God can not defend himself. He said that when God is silent, it simply means it is now the responsibility of his children to act. He added that “from now on it is going to be fire for fire.”

Pa Adeboye said: “Some jokers said Churches should not open for three months. Who is your commander? God of Boko Haram, let the devil try any nonsense, from now on it is going to be fire for fire.”

Speaking further, the highly respected cleric popularly known as Daddy G.O alludes:
“I don’t want to say much because I know some people may want to twist it but I have searched the bible from cover to cover and there is nowhere in the bible where God said a child of God cannot defend himself, If you find the place let me know.

He explained that, Jesus Christ in the Holy scripture says, "If they slap you on the right cheek turn left" He said that one. But what if they now slap the left again, what did He say? Nothing! When God is silent, do you know the meaning of that, it simply means over to you.”

Adesanya-Davies says, "Christians are human beings, and blood flows in them and through them as every other human beings, and they know what to do, and how to respond in the right place and at the right time. The Church is matching on and the gates of hell shall not prevail, amen.

In a similar report titled, Terrorist Attack On Shiroro Mining Site, Is A Direct Affront On Nigeria — Muhammadu Buhari
as reported in Metro News by Unini Chioma on July 1, 2022, President Buhari has vowed "Atrocity Won’t Go Unpunished".

President Buhari, on Friday, vowed that the terrorists behind the Ajata-Aboki massacre, in Shiroro council area of Niger State, will not go unpunished. The President, who described the attack as a direct assault on Nigeria, vowed that Nigeria will not bow to terrorists’ pressure and scaremongering.

Recall that terrorists attacked a mining site in Ajata-Aboki, Shiroro council area of Niger State on Wednesday, killing not less than 43 persons, including 30 soldiers, seven mobile policemen and six civilians, and reportedly abducted several others, including Chinese nationals and locals.

Buhari paid tributes to the gallant men of the security forces who lost their lives in the process of fending off the attack, says “let us pray for the families and loved ones of those who sacrificed their lives in the fight against evil, and let us pray for the safe and speedy return of those abducted. We will do everything possible to ensure their return.

“And to the sadists, I say this: we are coming. No matter what rock you crawl under, what hole you sink into, what lie you hide behind, we are coming and we will find you. Shiroro will see justice. Nigeria will know peace,” the President assured.

Bishop Prof. Funmilayo Adesanya-Davies
Secretary, Elder’s Council
Nigerian Supreme Council for Ecclesiastical Affairs (NSCEA).

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